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KELOWNA – 250-260-1900
Bins, Fencing and Portable Toilets
Quick Service – All in one Invoice
Materials Banned from Burial
There are certain materials that are banned from being buried at the Glenmore landfill, either because there are alternative disposal programs in place for them, or because they are hazardous to workers and the public. Banned items mixed in with other garbage sent for burial at the landfill are subject to a $150 per metric tonne surcharge over and above regular tipping fees. The following is the current list of materials that are subject to the Mandatory Recycling Surcharge should they be found mixed with waste loads headed for burial at the Glenmore Landfill:
Bin Rates
Price Change Effective Jan. 2021
“All in”™ Bin Rentals
6049 Old Kamloops Road
Vernon B.C.
V1H 1P7
Vernon | Lake Country
Bin Pickup/delivery
Monday to Friday 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

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Build your own business and own what you build with help from the “All in”™ Bin Rentals Corporation.
“All in”™ Bin Rentals franchises available across Canada. All Major Cities.